Monday 22 January 2007

Some DICOM Tools

I have been testing some DICOM programs. Below is a list of them as well as my experiences with them. Please note that there are many applications out there, but I was specifically looking for some of the free ones to do some lab testing. I was specifically looking for a small DICOM server and a viewer with a small foot print while still having reasonable capabilities.

Conquest Server
DICOM server application for receiving, storing and querying DICOM images. The software is a little tricky to install. I am planning on using this as a temporary setup for a Mini PACS system to allow us to store and query images from some of our digital modalities, i.e. panorex, CT, MR, Ultrasound, etc.

K-PACS is a great solution for a basic workstation that needs, store, query/retrieve and view capabilities. It is very easy to install and configure. At the moment we set a K-PACS workstation up on an old workstation for our Radio Isotopes department to view images remotely from a reporting workstation. The Siemens eCAM was pretty easy to configure to send images. The only drawback of the K-PACS workstation is that the printing is not quite as good as it could be. The radioisotopes doctor wants to view images in inverted colour (i.e. black on white) . The system allows you to invert the colours, but when it comes time to print, it reverts back to the original state of the image.

HIPAX Dicom Print Server
This is a nice system to allow DICOM images to be printed from a modality to a windows printer. We currently have setup a small HIPAX print server which allows our doctors to print DICOM images directly to a windows colour laser printer.
  • Download the Evaluation Version Here
Some other useful tools and links to DICOM applications: