the output for dgate.exe -h is as follows:
DGATE: UCDMC/NKI DICOM server thread and PACS utility application 1.4.12c
(1) DGATE <-!#|-v|-u#|-^#> Report as in dicom.ini|stdout|UDP|File(#=port)
[-p#|-b] Set listen port|run in non-theaded debug mode
[-i|-r|-arDEVICE] Init|Init/regenerate DB|Regen single device
[-d|-m|-k] List (-d) devices (-m) AE map (-k) DICOM.SQL
[-t|-o] Test console|Test database
[-sOptions] Create ODBC data source (WIN32 only)
[-nd|-nc#|-jd|-jc#] NKI de-/compress#|JPEG de-/compress# FILE
[-as#,N|-amFROM,TO] Select#KB to archive of MAGN|move device data
[-au|-aeFROM,TO] Undo select for archiving|rename device
[-av|-atDEVICE] Verify mirror disk|Test read files for DEVICE
[-abJUKEBOX1.2,N] Make cacheset to burn JUKEBOX1,CD2 from MAGN
[-acJUKEBOX1.2] Verify JUKEBOX1,CD2 against cacheset
[-adJUKEBOX1.2] Verify and delete cacheset for JUKEBOX1, CD2
ID] Delete DB for Patient, sTudy, Series, Image
[-faFILE<,ID>] Add file to server
[-zID] Delete (zap) patient
[-frDEVICE,DIR] Regen single directory DIR on DEVICE
[-f?file|-fu|-c#] get UID of file|Make new UID|UID helper(0..99)
[-ff#] Delete old patients until #MB free
[-gSERVER,DATE] grab images from SERVER of date not on here
Otherwise: run as threaded server, port=1111
(2) DGATE FileMapping Run server child; shared memory has socket#
(3) DGATE --command:arguments Send command to running server in other process
(works directly - use with care)
Delete options:
--deleteimagefile:file Delete given image file from server
--deletepatient:patid Delete given patient from server
--deletestudy:studyuid Delete given study from server
--deleteseries:seriesuid Delete given series from server
--deleteimagefromdb:file Delete given file from db only
--deletesopfromdb:pat,study,series,sop Delete specified image from db only
Dbase without ODBC options:
--packdbf: Pack dbase databases and recreate memory index
--indexdbf: Re-create memory index for dbase database
--extract:patid Extract dbase databases for single patient to X..
Modification of dicom objects:
--modifypatid:file,patid Change patid of given file
--mergestudy:uid,uid,.. Start merging studies with given studyuids
--mergestudyfile:file Use to process all files to merge
--mergeseries:uid,uid,.. Start merging series with given seriesuids
--mergeseriesfile:file Use to process all files to merge
Maintenance options:
--initializetables: Clear and create database
--initializetables:1 Clear and create database for DbaseIII via ODBC
--initializetables:2 Clear and create worklist database
--regen: Re-generate entire database
--regendevice:device Re-generate database for single device
--regendir:device,dir Re-generate database for single directory
--regenfile:file Re-enter given file in database
--addimagefile:file,patid Copy file into server, optionally with new patid
--testcompress:file Test: enter file in server with many compressions
--debuglog_on:file/port Start debug logging
--log_on:file/port Start normal logging
--debuglevel:# Set debug logging level
--makespace:# Delete old patients to make #MB space
--get_freestore:dev,fmt Report free #Mb on device
--get_param:name,fmt Read any parameter from DICOM.INI
--put_param:name,value Write any parameter to DICOM.INI
--delete_param:name Delete any parameter from DICOM.INI
--read_ini: Re-read all parameters from DICOM.INI
--get_amap:index,fmt List any entry from ACRNEMA.MAP
--put_amap:i,AE,ip,p#,cmp Write entry in memory for ACRNEMA.MAP
--delete_amap:index Delete entry in memory for ACRNEMA.MAP
--write_amap: Write ACRNEMA.MAP from memory to disk
--read_amap: Re-read ACRNEMA.MAP from disk to memory
--get_sop:index,fmt List any accepted service class UID
--put_sop:index,UID,name Write/add accepted service class UID
--delete_sop:index Delete accepted service class UID
--get_transfer:index,fmt List any accepted transfer syntax
--put_transfer:in,UID,nam Write/add accepted transfer syntax
--delete_transfer:index Delete accepted transfer syntax
--get_application:idx,fmt List any accepted application UID
--put_application:i,U,n Write/add accepted application UID
--delete_application:inde Delete accepted application UID
--get_localae:index,fmt List any accepted local AE title
--put_localae:in,AE,name Write/add accepted local AE title
--delete_localae:index Delete accepted local AE title
--get_remoteae:index,fmt List any accepted remote AE title
--put_remoteae:in,AE,name Write/add accepted remote AE title
--delete_remoteae:index Delete accepted remote AE title
--get_dic:index,fmt List any dicom dictionary item
--get_sqldef:level,in,fmt List any database field definition
--dump_header:filein,fileout Create header dump of file
--forward:file,mode,server Send file with compr. mode to server
--convert_to_gif:file,size,fileout Downsize and convert to GIF
--query:table|fields|where|fmt|file Arbitrary query output to file
--query2:tab|fld|whe|fmt|max|file Same but limit output rows to max
--patientfinder:srv|str|fmt|file List patients on server
--studyfinder:srv|str|fmt|file List studies on server
--seriesfinder:srv|str|fmt|file List series on server
--serieslister:srv|pat|stu|fmt|file List series in a study
--imagelister:srv|pat|ser|fmt|file List files in a series
--addrecord:table|flds|values Append record, values must be in ''
--deleterecord:table,where Delete record from table
--grabimagesfromserver:AE,date Update this server from other
--display_status:file Display server status
--loadhl7:file Load HL7 data into worklist
--clonedb:AE Clone db from server for testing
--quit: Stop the server
Archival options:
--renamedevice:from,to Rename device in database
--verifymirrordisk:device Verify mirror disk for selected device
--testimages:device Test read all images on device
--movedatatodevice:to,from Move data from one device to another
--selectlruforarchival:kb,device Step 1 for archival: to device.Archival
--preparebunchforburning:to,from Step 2 for archival: moves to cache
--deletebunchafterburning:deviceto Step 3 for archival: deletes from cache
--comparebunchafterburning:deviceto Part step 3 - compare jukebox to cache
--restoremagflags: Undo archival sofar